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Before building any templates or workflows, the first step is to register a repository. This is where GreenOps will automatically store all templates/workflows (in true GitOps fashion), and use as a source of truth.

This also makes managing authentication simpler. Instead of entering tokens or usernames and passwords with every workflow, you can manage all authentication and Git repo access from the Repositories tab.

Connecting a Repository

Both public and private repositories should be registered on this page. Make sure to provision tokens with read and write access, so GreenOps can automatically push template/workflow manifests as well as read them.

To connect a repo, press the Create button on the top right corner. Below is an example of connecting a private repo.



When registering private Github repo, generate a personal access tokens from your profile's Settings > Developer Settings window. When connecting the repo to GreenOps, you can use your normal username as the username, and use the generated personal access token as the password.


Bitbucket offers repository scoped tokens. In the Repository Settings > Access Tokens tab for a repository, generate a new access token. When connecting the repo to GreenOps, use x-token-auth as the username and the generated access token as the password.