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Configuring Argo Environments

Use GreenOps to quickly configure, prototype, and manage Argo CD instances across different environments.

Configuring Argo CD via the UI

GreenOps manages Argo CD instances using Helm charts. Users take a UI-based approach to configuring Argo CD to avoid confusion or messy YAML, but can then export and manage their configuration as code (Helm values.yaml file). They then register that configuration with GreenOps.

This process is extremely simple and provides the best of both worlds - simple setup and configuration, and GitOps-based management. Let's walk through how this works.

Current support

GreenOps currently supports configuring the following through the UI:

Additional configurations can also be made directly to the exported YAML file.

NOTE: Other configuration support you want added to the UI? Please contact us, or let us know here.

Exporting and registering configurations

Once a configuration has been made through the UI, it can be exported by pressing the result button on the top right corner of the pop-up.


It will return the values.yaml file of the Argo CD helm deployment.


The values.yaml file should be stored in an upstream Git repo somewhere.

To register the configuration, navigate to the "Register Configurations" section in the pop up, and enter the information about where the values.yaml file has been stored (and what the release name should be).


Finally, press the "Save" on the bottom left corner to link the configurations built to the cluster.


Extensions are Argo CD's way of making the UI more extensible, and adding more specific information into the dashboard for admins and developers. For example, you can enable 3rd party plugins like Argo Rollouts into the Argo CD UI, instead of maintaining a separate dashboard.

Currently, only Argo Rollouts is supported. It can be enabled by simply selecting it from the extensions list:


NOTE: Other extensions support you want added to the UI? Please contact us, or let us know here.

Syncing configurations to environments

Once a configuration has been linked to an environment, press the "Sync Argo Configuration" button in the top right corner. A pop up will appear, requesting you to select which clusters you want to sync. Select the desired clusters, press sync, and thats it! It can take up to 30-40 seconds for the environments to be synced. GreenOps can plug in and manage existing Argo CD instances, deploy new instances, and everything in-between.
